rite aid
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march rite aid deals rite aid clearance

may 2024 clearance

rite aid clearance

"Check your digital coupon for finish dishwasher tablets. I did the following deal:
2 Finish Quantum packages- $7.99 X2 = 15.98 - 3DQ -2DQ = 10.98 - 5BC= 5.98 - 2X2IB = 1.98
2 Covergirl brow pencil 4.99 - 3DQ/3IP = 3.98
1 Covergirl mascara 5.29 - 3IP = 2.29 total 6.27 - 5BC
I found the following clearance items at this Rite Aid to get to $50
sally hanson Pure nail polish - received 4BC
Clairol root touch up will receive $6 from SH
Hyland baby cough syrup x 2 $2.50 from IB
Flonase nighttime allergy relief 36 ct 4.24 - $4DQ
Spent 34.45 (w/o tax)
Received $24.00 BC
IB - $9
SH - $6

Voost gummies are on clearance also, there was $2DQ and some of the bottles had a $2 freshness coupon. They are $4.24."
- Dan Do

please share your rite aid clearance finds in the comments section

rite aid online clearance

keep in mind that clearance may vary from store to store!

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