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march rite aid deals rite aid clearance

11/22 my trip today: hair stylers, monster drinks, holiday lights, & planters

saved 72%
cost: $11.98

i bought:
    salon grafix hair spray 1.5 oz $1.99
    salon grafix hair spray 1.5 oz $1.99
    clear shampoo or conditioner 3 oz $1.83 ($2.29 - 20% discount)
    clear shampoo or conditioner 3 oz $1.83 ($2.29 - 20% discount)
    la looks $1.99
    la looks $1.99
    labella gel 40 oz $1.99
    labella gel 40 oz $1.99
    monster energy drinks 16 oz $1.50
    bottle deposit $.05
    monster energy drinks 16 oz $1.50
    bottle deposit $.05
    monster energy drinks 16 oz $1.50
    bottle deposit $.05
    monster energy drinks 16 oz $1.50
    bottle deposit $.05
    holiday light set 100 ct $2.97
    holiday light set 100 ct $2.97
    planters assorted holiday 3 pks $5.99
    planters assorted holiday 3 pks $5.99
= $39.72 + $2.38 tax

paid with:
    $16 +up
    $26.10 oop
    $1 +up la bella styling gel 40 oz limit 2 (november +up deal)
    $1 +up la bella styling gel 40 oz limit 2 (november +up deal)
    $1.99 +up salon grafix hair spray 1.5 oz, clear shampoo or conditioner 3 oz, la looks or dep gel, or la bella gel 40 oz limit 2 of each brand 11/22 - 11/24
    $1.99 +up salon grafix hair spray 1.5 oz, clear shampoo or conditioner 3 oz, la looks or dep gel, or la bella gel 40 oz limit 2 of each brand 11/22 - 11/24
    $1.99 +up salon grafix hair spray 1.5 oz, clear shampoo or conditioner 3 oz, la looks or dep gel, or la bella gel 40 oz limit 2 of each brand 11/22 - 11/24
    $1.99 +up salon grafix hair spray 1.5 oz, clear shampoo or conditioner 3 oz, la looks or dep gel, or la bella gel 40 oz limit 2 of each brand 11/22 - 11/24
    $1.99 +up salon grafix hair spray 1.5 oz, clear shampoo or conditioner 3 oz, la looks or dep gel, or la bella gel 40 oz limit 2 of each brand 11/22 - 11/24
    $1.99 +up salon grafix hair spray 1.5 oz, clear shampoo or conditioner 3 oz, la looks or dep gel, or la bella gel 40 oz limit 2 of each brand 11/22 - 11/24
    $1.99 +up salon grafix hair spray 1.5 oz, clear shampoo or conditioner 3 oz, la looks or dep gel, or la bella gel 40 oz limit 2 of each brand 11/22 - 11/24
    $1.99 +up salon grafix hair spray 1.5 oz, clear shampoo or conditioner 3 oz, la looks or dep gel, or la bella gel 40 oz limit 2 of each brand 11/22 - 11/24
    $2 +up wyb 2 monster energy drinks 16 oz limit 2 11/22 - 11/24
    $2 +up wyb 2 monster energy drinks 16 oz limit 2 11/22 - 11/24
    $1 +up holiday light sets 100 ct limit 2 11/22 - 11/24
    $1 +up holiday light sets 100 ct limit 2 11/22 - 11/24
    $3 +up planters assorted holiday 3 pks limit 2 11/22 - 11/24
    $3 +up planters assorted holiday 3 pks limit 2 11/22 - 11/24
    $.20 bottle deposits (when cans are returned)

spent $42.10 ($16 +up + $26.10 oop)
earned $30.12 ($29.92 +up + $.20 deposits)
cost $11.98
saved 72%
earned 40 wellness+ points

la bella is better than free after the weekly and monthly +ups!

if you have the 20% discount, the clear hair products are only $1.83 because the reg. price is $2.29.

* i have the wellness gold+ discount - after earning 1000 points wellness+ cardholders receive 20% off. customer will receive the lower of the discount price or sale price. read more here