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load2card +ups starting 09/02!

Starting September 2nd 2012, +UP Rewards Will Be Automatically Loaded to Wellness+ Cards nationwide

Under the new system, A +UP can be redeemed starting at 6 a.m. on the day after it was earned and expires 14 days after issue.

Rite Aid customers may also elect to continue having their +UPs printed on their register receipts if they wish (but they still cannot be used until the next day)... opt-out via chat, phone 1-800-riteaid (1-800-748-3243), or at the register...

load2card +ups opt out instructions from memo #SOS-62:

  • Press "shift + esc" on the register keypad, then click on the "start" button in the lower left hand corner of the screen.

  • Select "+ups option" from the start menu, scan the customer's wellness card (or enter the customer's card number or phone number) and press "submit"

  • once a card is found or selected the register will redirect to the update screen

  • the customer's current option will be displayed and may be changed by presing the button next to the appropriate delivery choice and pressing submit.
    delivery choice [x]PRINT or [ ]LOAD@CARD

  • changes are now saved and paper +ups will be issued on future purchases. according to rite aid it may take up to 48 hours for the update to take effect, but some have reported receiving paper +ups almost immediately after opting out.

Rite Aid is also launching +UP Text Notifications so customers can track their +UPs on the go. Wellness+ members can text “REWARD” to “RATEXT” on their mobile phones to receive a weekly text of the number and value of the +UPs available on their wellness+ card.

eric harkreader, rite aid public relations | riteaid.com