rite aid
& rebates
rite aid works

february rite aid deals rite aid clearance

04/19 my trip today: air wick, bodiheat, & breathe right

saved 114%
♥ profit: $1.23 ♥

i bought:
    air wick aerosol 8 oz $.89
    bodiheat heat therapy patch 4 ct $2.99
    breathe right advanced 10 ct $4.79 ($5.99 - 20% discount)
= $8.67

used coupons: = $1.68 + $.08 tax

    $1.76 oop

    $2.99 scr #8 bodiheat heat therapy patch 4 ct limit 1 4/15-4/21

spent $1.76 oop
earned $2.99 scr
profit $1.23 ♥
saved 114%
earned 9 wellness+ points

download spreadsheet for this transaction
(microsoft excel or open office required)

rite aid policy is to to enter the coupons for the price of the item rather than allow overage. however, many cashiers aren't sure how or don't want to do this. in my experience, it is much easier just to make sure i have some other item(s) in my transaction that the overage can apply to in case the cashier does not adjust the coupon. ymmv, of course!

if you didn't receive the breathe right coupon, check out my new page for rite aid email coupons! (now expired) email me if you'd like to share any email coupons.

* i have the wellness gold+ discount - after earning 1000 points wellness+ cardholders receive 20% off. customer will receive the lower of the discount price or sale price. read more here