rite aid
& rebates
rite aid works

february rite aid deals rite aid clearance

04/22 - 04/28

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♥ freebies ♥

  • Gum get $2 +UP wyb 3/$3 limit 4:
      Bubblicious 10 ct
      Stride 14 ct (excludes Stride Shift, Spark or Shawn White)
      Trident 18 ct
      Trident White or Dentyne Ice 16 ct
      Vitality or Dentyne Pure 9 ct
        -$1 off 2 Dentyne Gum (exp 05/31/2012) 03/04/2012 SS

  • Veet Depilatories and Wax (psa $4.99) get $1 +UP limit 4

+up rewards+up rewards

$ single check rebates $
    Almay Makeup Removers (excludes 120 ct Pads) $3.99 get $1 SCR #5 04/04-05/01 limit 6

    Beyonce Fragrances get $5 wyb $15 SCR #25 limit 1

    Crest or Oral-B Clinical BOGO 50% off get $4 wyb $12 SCR #3 04/04-05/01 limit 1

    Rite Aid Tugaboos Jumbo Pack Diapers BOGO 50% off get $3 wyb 2 SCR #2 04/04-05/01 limit 3

* all deals subject to change/regional differences *
always check your local ad!

♥♥♥ special thanks to trevor for the type up! ♥♥♥

my source: