rite aid
& rebates
rite aid works

february rite aid deals rite aid clearance

03/22 my trip today: veet & oatmeal

saved 97%
cost: $.13

i bought:
= $4.79

used coupons: = $.79 + $.34 tax

paid with:
    $1.13 oop

spent $1.13 oop
earned $1 +up
cost $.13
saved 97%
earned 5 wellness+ points

download spreadsheet for this transaction
(microsoft excel or open office required)

if i had bought the veet alone, my coupons would have beeped because they total $.01 more than the selling price of the veet. according to rite aid's policy, the cashier should adjust one of the coupons for a penny less. but as you may know, it is not always that easy. there's a good chance the cashier would refuse one of the coupons, or need to call a manager over to try to figure out how to adjust the coupon, etc. so rather than deal with any of that, i took a look at my store's $1 section and grabbed the oatmeal.

rite aid store coupons won't beep even if the value is more than the selling price of the item, as long as the balance of your entire transaction is enough for the coupon to apply. so by adding another item to my transaction, i was able to have both veet coupons sail through and complete my transaction easily. those of you who have very coupon friendly and well-informed stores would probably rather maximize your savings by not purchasing any extra items. but if you think it could be an issue at your store than this is probably the way to go!

* i have the wellness gold+ discount - after earning 1000 points wellness+ cardholders receive 20% off. customer will receive the lower of the discount price or sale price. read more here