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& rebates
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february rite aid deals rite aid clearance

02/18 my trip today: ge & samy

saved 72%
cost: $3.58

i bought:
    ge cfl light bulbs 1 pk $3.99
    samy fat foam hair color $7.99 ($9.99 - 20% discount)
= $11.98

used coupons:
    -$3 ge cfl light bulbs 1 pk w/ in-ad coupon
    -$1 ge energy efficient soft white or clear halogen, reveal or energy smart cfl or led products (exp 04/14/2012) 02/12/2012 ss
= $7.98 + $.60 tax

paid with:
    $5 +up
    $3.58 oop

earned +up:
spent $8.58 ($5 +up + $3.58 oop)
earned $5 +up
cost $3.58
saved 72%
earned 4 wellness+ points

download spreadsheet for this transaction
(microsoft excel or open office required)

samy is on sale for $8.99, but it's only $7.99 if you have the 20% discount. there is also a video values coupon for samy, but i already used mine earlier this week.

this is more than i usually pay for hair dye - but i do prefer the foam types and it counts towards the buy & $ave: winter rewards 02/05-03/03, so i thought it was worth it. i had credit of $57 already and added $12 today. so now i have earned $69 towards the $100 needed!

* i have the wellness gold+ discount - after earning 1000 points wellness+ cardholders receive 20% off. customer will receive the lower of the discount price or sale price. read more here