rite aid
& rebates
rite aid works

february rite aid deals rite aid clearance

01/24 my trip today: honey bunches of oats & nature made

saved 87%
cost: $3.38

i bought:
    nature made fish oil 60 ct $9.19 ($11.49 - 20% discount)
    nature made fish oil 60 ct $11.19 ($13.99 - 20% discount)
    post honey bunches of oats 14.5 oz $2.50
    post honey bunches of oats 14.5 oz $2.50
= $25.38

used coupons: = $14.38

paid with:
    $13 +up
    $1.38 oop

    $10 +up wyb $20 nature made vitamins and herbal supplements limit 2 01/22 - 01/28
    $1 +up wyb 2 post cereals 11-24 oz or quaker chewy bars 10 pk limit 2 01/22 - 01/28

spent $14.38 ($13 +up + $1.38 oop)
earned $11 +up
cost $3.38
saved 87%
earned 6 wellness+ points

download spreadsheet for this transaction
(microsoft excel or open office required)

this is a good price for my favorite cereal :)

the nature made is part of the buy & $ave resolution rewards. so my purchases today added $20 to my resolution rewards total. i now have $57 towards the $100 needed. i need to figure out whether its worth my spending $43 more to get $20 back...

* i have the wellness gold+ discount - after earning 1000 points wellness+ cardholders receive 20% off. customer will receive the lower of the discount price or sale price. read more here