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01/11 my trip today: zippo candle lighters

saved 92%
cost: $1.70

i bought:
    Zippo Mini mpl Candle Lighter $9.99
    Zippo Mini mpl Candle Lighter $9.99
= $19.98 + $1.72 tax

paid with:
    $19 +up
    $2.70 oop

earned +up:
earned scr:
    $5 scr #25 Zippo Mini Candle Lighter, Pearl or Cabernet no limit 01/04-01/31
    $5 scr #25 Zippo Mini Candle Lighter, Pearl or Cabernet no limit 01/04-01/31

spent $21.70 ($19 +up + $2.70 oop)
earned $10 +up
earned $10 scr
cost $1.70
saved 92%
earned 1 wellness+ point

download spreadsheet for this transaction
(microsoft excel or open office required)

these zippo candle lighters are free after +up and scr this month! thanks to Maheshnemi for posting!

i found them hanging on the wall behind the registers at my store. $9.99 is the regular price, but i didn't receive my 20% discount. i'm thinking since these "candle lighters" were with the tobacco items, maybe my discount did not apply because they are categorized as tobacco goods...

in fact, that might also explain why the register wouldn't accept any of my +ups today! +ups are not valid on tobacco! luckily, the cashier was able to enter them manually. if you buy these, let me know if you have the same issues or not.

update 1/13: my receipt cleared and i received $10 credit for scr #25.

* i have the wellness gold+ discount - after earning 1000 points wellness+ cardholders receive 20% off. customer will receive the lower of the discount price or sale price. read more here