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08/11 my trip today: oxi clean powder

profit: $.74

i bought:
    Oxi clean stain remover powder 24 oz $3.50
    Oxi clean stain remover powder 1.3 lb $3.50

used coupons:
    -$3 off 2 OxiClean Products (exp 9/30/2011) 7/24/2011 SS
    -$1 off any non-prescription purchase when you watch the Wellness + video video values 08/2011
= $3 + $.26 tax

paid with
    $3 +up
    $.26 oop

earned +ups:
    $2 +up wyb 2 Oxi clean powder 24 oz, spray 21.5 oz, max force stick, or gelpacks 10 ct LIMIT 2 08/07 - 08/13
    $1 +up oxi clean 24 oz limit 2 7/27 - 08/30
    $1 +up oxi clean 24 oz limit 2 7/27 - 08/30

$3.26 spent - $4 +ups earned =
♥ $.74 profit ♥

download spreadsheet for this transaction
(microsoft excel or open office required)

notes:thanks to MD and sww for letting us know about the month-long oxi powder $1 +ups!

if you have the $3 off 2 coupon, it makes the oxi a freebie! keep in mind the limit on the monthly +ups is 2.

i have the wellness gold+ discount - after earning 1000 points wellness+ cardholders receive 20% off. customer will receive the lower of the discount price or sale price. read more here