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06/16 my trip today: lysol, bayer, & more

cost: $1.59

i bought:
    bayer advanced aspirin 500 mg 20 ct $3.19 ($3.99 - 20% discount)
    lysol disinfecting wipes 35 ct $2
    lysol disinfecting wipes 35 ct $2
    lysol healthy touch hand soap system $7.49
    country time lemonade $3.03 ($3.79 - 20% discount)

used coupons:= $5.96 + $.62 tax

paid with
    $5 +up
    $1.58 oop

earned +up rewards:
    $1.99 +up bayer advanced aspirin 325 mg 24 ct or 500 mg 20 ct limit 1 06/12 - 06/18
    $3 +up lysol healthy touch hand soap system limit 4 06/12 - 06/18

$6.58 spent - $4.99 +ups earned = $1.59

download spreadsheet for this transaction
(microsoft excel or open office required)

notes:if you have the $2 bayer coupon from the 6/12 ss, you can get it for $.25 less. the regular price was $3.99 at my store, so it was only $3.19 w/ my 20% discount.

the lysol wipes gave me $4 towards the $5 +up wyb $15 deal. i'm not planning to complete the deal though. (maybe if i had more lysol coupons.)

the lysol healthy touch is part of the caregivers section of the ad - which is regional, so please check your local ad!

i have the wellness gold+ discount - after earning 1000 points wellness+ cardholders receive 20% off. customer will receive the lower of the discount price or sale price. read more here