rite aid
& rebates
rite aid works

march rite aid deals rite aid clearance

02/03 my trip today

cost: $1.08

i bought:
    lay's stax 5.75 oz $1
    lay's stax 5.5 oz $1
    lay's stax 5.5 oz $1
    finish quantumatic kit $3.99 (sale price 1/26-3/01)
    clairol perfect 10 6a $2.99 ($11.99 - 75% off clearance)
    clairol perfect 10 6wn $2.99 ($11.99 - 75% off clearance)
    clairol perfect 10 6 $2.99 ($11.99 - 75% off clearance)

used coupons:= $2.96 + $1.12 tax

paid with:
    $2 +ups
    $2.08 oop
$4.08 spent - $3 +ups earned = $1.08

view spreadsheet for this transaction (google doc)

notes:the finish Finish quantumatic was free using the $3 man, and the $1 video values coupons! it will be on sale for $3.99 until 3/01.

i have the wellness gold+ discount - after earning 1000 points wellness+ cardholders receive 20% off. customer will receive the lower of the discount price or sale price. read more here