rite aid
& rebates
rite aid works

february rite aid deals rite aid clearance

12/16 my trip today

profit: $3.78

i bought:
    advil congestion relief 10 ct $4.99
    office expert (rite aid brand) invisible Tape $1.49
    office expert (rite aid brand) invisible Tape $0 (BOGO sale)
    office expert (rite aid brand) invisible Tape $1.49
    office expert (rite aid brand) invisible Tape $0 (BOGO sale)
    "Great Value" spongebob puzzle $.74 (25% off)
    "Great Value" spongebob puzzle $.74 (25% off)
    "Great Value" disney princess puzzle $.74 (25% off)
    "Great Value" disney princess puzzle $.74 (25% off)
    milk $2.79 ($3.49 - 20% discount)
    country time lemonade $2.79 ($3.49 - 20% discount)

coupons used:=$12.51 + $.71 tax

paid with:
    $11 +ups
    $2.22 oop
    $3 +up advil congestion relief 10 ct 12/15-12/18
    $1 +up Advil Congestion Relief, Cold & Sinus or Allergy Sinus Product 10-40 ct 12/12-12/18
    $1 +UP rite aid Tape or Envelopes
    $1 +UP rite aid Tape or Envelopes
    $1 +UP rite aid Tape or Envelopes
    $1 +UP rite aid Tape or Envelopes
    $2 +up wyb "Great Value" Toys
    $2 +up wyb "Great Value" Toys
    $2 +up wyb "Great Value" Toys
    $2 +up wyb "Great Value" Toys
will receive:
    $1 SCR #97 Advil Congestion Relief, Cold & Sinus or Allergy Sinus Product 10-40 ct LIMIT 1 11/28-12/25

$13.22 paid - $16 +ups earned - $1 scr earned =
♥ $3.78 profit ♥

notes:the advil turns out to be a freebie after the +up rewards and scr during this 4 day sale! (use coupons for a profit, you can use the coupon in the weekly ad instead of the video values)

i have the wellness gold+ discount - after earning 1000 points wellness+ cardholders receive 20% off. customer will receive the lower of the discount price or sale price. read more here