rite aid
& rebates
rite aid works

march rite aid deals rite aid clearance

12/14 my trip today

profit: $7.43

i bought:
    office expert (rite aid brand) gift wrap Tape $1.49
    office expert (rite aid brand) gift wrap Tape $0 (BOGO sale)
    office expert (rite aid brand) invisible Tape $1.49
    office expert (rite aid brand) invisible Tape $0 (BOGO sale)
    office expert (rite aid brand) invisible Tape $1.49
    office expert (rite aid brand) invisible Tape $0 (BOGO sale)
    office expert (rite aid brand) standard envelopes 100 ct $2.29
    office expert (rite aid brand) business envelopes 50 ct $0 (BOGO sale)
    Airwick Candle 5.29 oz $5.99
    Airwick Candle 5.29 oz $0 (BOGO sale)
    Airwick Candle 5.29 oz $5.99
    Airwick Candle 5.29 oz $0 (BOGO sale)
    "Great Value" spiderman puzzle $.74 (25% off)
    "Great Value" spiderman puzzle $.74 (25% off)
    "Great Value" toy story 3 puzzle $.74 (25% off)
    "Great Value" toy story 3 puzzle $.74 (25% off)

coupons used:=$9.70 + $1.87 tax

paid with:
    $9 +ups
    $2.57 oop
    $1 +UP rite aid Tape or Envelopes
    $1 +UP rite aid Tape or Envelopes
    $1 +UP rite aid Tape or Envelopes
    $1 +UP rite aid Tape or Envelopes
    $1 +UP rite aid Tape or Envelopes
    $1 +UP rite aid Tape or Envelopes
    $1 +UP rite aid Tape or Envelopes
    $1 +UP rite aid Tape or Envelopes
    $3 +UP wyb $10 airwick
    $2 +up wyb "Great Value" Toys
    $2 +up wyb "Great Value" Toys
    $2 +up wyb "Great Value" Toys
    $2 +up wyb "Great Value" Toys

$11.57 paid - $19 +ups earned = $7.43 profit

notes:i decided not to use the $5/$25 coupon anymore, since it is only taking off $.01 and showing "invalid coupon" at so many stores. maybe i could have gotten one more use out of it, but i figured it's not worth getting the stink eye if it doesn't work anymore.

so these are the "great value" puzzles that are marked $.99, on sale for 25% off, and generate $2 +up... that is a great value!

i also found a big cylinder shaped display full of rite aid tape at my store. so look around for that if there's none left in your store's stationery aisle.