rite aid
& rebates
rite aid works

february rite aid deals rite aid clearance

12/01 my trip today

profit: $1.11

i bought:
    duracell mygrid power sleeve iphone $26.99 ($29.99 - 10% discount)

coupons used:=$21.99 + $1.90 tax

paid with:
    $22 +ups
    $1.89 oop
will receive:
    $25 scr #37 DURACELL myGrid + Power Sleeve LIMIT 1 11/28-12/25

♥ $23.89 paid - $25 scr earned = $1.11 profit ♥

notes:i don't have the charging pad needed to use this, nor do i have an iphone... but this was like turning $22 +ups into cash!

i have the wellness silver+ discount - after earning 500 points wellness+ cardholders receive 10% off. customer will receive the lower of the discount price or sale price. read more here