rite aid
& rebates
rite aid works

february rite aid deals rite aid clearance

11/26 my trip today

profit: $4.50

i bought:
    planters deluxe whole cashews 9.75 oz $3.99
    Cottonelle moist wipes 42 ct $1.88
    kit kat $.50
    kit kat $.50
    butterfinger $.50
    butterfinger $.50
    butterfinger $.50
    butterfinger $.50
    reese's peanut butter cups $.50
    reese's peanut butter cups $.50
    reese's peanut butter cups $.50
    reese's peanut butter cups $.50
    Philips 3 Device Remote Control $4.99
    Vaseline cocoa butter lotion 10 oz $2.99
    rite aid butter cookies 12 oz $1.88
    vicks nyquil sinex 20 ct $4.99

coupons used:=$12.72 + $.77 tax

paid with:
    $12 +ups
    $1.49 oop
    $2 +up planters cashew halves 16 oz, mixed nuts 17 oz, nut-rition mix, almonds or deluxe mixed nuts 9.25-10.25 oz
    $1 +UP wyb 2 Hershey's, Reese's, M&M's, Mars, and Nestle single serve Candy Bars limit 5
    $1 +UP wyb 2 Hershey's, Reese's, M&M's, Mars, and Nestle single serve Candy Bars limit 5
    $1 +UP wyb 2 Hershey's, Reese's, M&M's, Mars, and Nestle single serve Candy Bars limit 5
    $1 +UP wyb 2 Hershey's, Reese's, M&M's, Mars, and Nestle single serve Candy Bars limit 5
    $1 +UP wyb 2 Hershey's, Reese's, M&M's, Mars, and Nestle single serve Candy Bars limit 5
    $1 +UP Cottonelle double roll bath tissue 4 pk or moist wipes 42 ct, or Kleenex tissues white 230 ct or splash & go wipes 42 ct limit 3
    $1 +UP rite aid butter cookies 12 oz limit 2
    $2 +up vicks nyquil or dayquil 10 or 20 oz, or children's 6 oz
    $2 +UP Vaseline intensive care lotion 10 oz
will receive:
    $4.99 scr #24 Philips 3 Device Remote Control or Ear buds w/ Case LIMIT 1 11/25-11/27

♥ $13.49 paid - $13 +up earned - $4.99 scr earned = $4.50 profit ♥

notes:if you buy butterfingers, make sure not to get the ones that are prepriced $.69 on the wrapper. they aren't ringing up on sale or generating +up rewards. (also the pre-priced kit kats, as kelli let us know in the comments!)

it looks like all of the vaseline 10 oz lotion is on sale and generating +ups, not just "intensive care" as stated in the ad!