rite aid
& rebates
rite aid works

february rite aid deals rite aid clearance

11/25 my trip today

profit: $7.66

i bought:
    Conair dryer $8.99 ($9.99 - 10% discount)
    Cottonelle moist wipes 42 ct $1.88
    Cottonelle moist wipes 42 ct $1.88
    Got2b Styler $4.99
    pringles extreme $1.50 (not pictured)
    rite aid butter cookies 12 oz $1.88
    vicks nyquil sinex 20 ct $4.99

coupons used:
    -$5 off $25, exp 123110 myriteaid.com coupon (removed 10/08)
    -$5 Conair AC Dryer, Fuscia Dryer, You Curl or You Style $128 coupon book
    -$1 off 2 Cottonelle Moist Wipes, 42 ct (videos available to watch until November 27) Video Values 11/2010
    -$1.38 free cottonelle wipes coupon by mail (no longer available)
    -$2 got2be full size
    -$2 Got2B full size Video Values 10/2010 (forgot this coupon!)
    -$1.50 free pringles extreme coupon by mail (facebook coupon, no longer available)
    -$4 Vicks Sinex Product 10/31/2010 P&G
=$6.23 + $1.10 tax

paid with:
    $6 +ups
    $1.33 oop
    $5 +UP Conair dryer, straightener, or hair cut kit, or Revlon pink dryer or pink straightener
    $1 +UP Cottonelle double roll bath tissue 4 pk or moist wipes 42 ct, or Kleenex tissues white 230 ct or splash & go wipes 42 ct limit 3
    $1 +UP Cottonelle double roll bath tissue 4 pk or moist wipes 42 ct, or Kleenex tissues white 230 ct or splash & go wipes 42 ct limit 3
    $1 +UP rite aid butter cookies 12 oz limit 2
    $2 +up vicks nyquil or dayquil 10 or 20 oz, or children's 6 oz
will receive:
    $4.99 SCR #62 Got2b Stylers (any, excluding glue) limit 1 11/25–11/27

♥ $7.33 paid - $10 +up earned - $4.99 scr earned = $7.66 profit ♥

notes:as i mentioned yesterday, the vicks sinex is not listed as part of the deal in the ad, but my store had tags up for it and it worked!

i think my cashier deducted $.50 from my free cottonelle coupon because of the video values coupon for $1 off 2. i don't think there was any reason to do that but i didn't feel it was worth an argument!

this transaction could have been $2 more in profit if i had remembered the $2 got2be video values coupon. i also forgot to get a second can of pringles for the +up reward! but i still managed a great profit :)

i have the wellness silver+ discount - after earning 500 points wellness+ cardholders receive 10% off. customer will receive the lower of the discount price or sale price. read more here