rite aid
& rebates
rite aid works

february rite aid deals rite aid clearance

10/18 my trip today

profit: $11.27

i bought:
    boiron Children’s Chestal Honey homepathic cough syrup 4.2 oz $4.99
    Children’s Oscillococcinum Natural Flu Medicine 3 ct $4.99
    febreze noticeables warmer $2.50
    febreze noticeables warmer $2.50
    Simply Saline Adult Nasal Mist 2 oz "free 33% more" $3.99
    Simply Saline Children’s Nasal Mist 1.5 oz $3.99
    ThermaCare Back Patch 1 ct $2.99
    milk $3.23 ($3.59 - 10% discount)

used coupons:
    -$5 off $25, exp 113010
    -$1.50 Chestal {Cold/Flu medicine for children 2 and older by Boiron, "World Leader in Homeopathy"} (Exp 12/31/2010) 1/242010 rp buy coupon
    -$2 Oscillococcinum any size (Exp 12/31/2010) 1/24/2010 rp buy coupon
    -$3 Febreze Noticeables Starter Kit or Warmer (exp 10/31/2010) 9/26/2010 P&G buy coupon
    -$3 Febreze Noticeables Starter Kit or Warmer (exp 10/31/2010) 9/26/2010 P&G buy coupon
    -$1 Simply Saline Nasal Product (exp 12/31/2012) 11/15/2009 SS
    -$1 Simply Saline Nasal Product (exp 12/31/2012) 11/15/2009 SS
    -$1 Thermacare HeatWrap
    -$1 ThermaCare 8-Hour Patches Video Values 09/2010

paid with:
    $5 +up
    and $5.68 oop
    $1 +up wyb 2 febreze air effects 9.7 oz, noticeables warmer, or set & refresh air fresheners
will receive:
    $4.99 scr #26 boiron Children’s Chestal Honey homepathic cough syrup 4.2 oz limit 1 10/17-10/23
    $4.99 scr #25 Children’s Oscillococcinum Natural Flu Medicine 3 ct limit 1 10/17-10/23
    $3.99 scr #30 Simply Saline Adult Nasal Mist 1.5 oz limit 1 10/17-10/23
    $3.99 scr #31 Simply Saline Children’s Nasal Mist 1.5 oz limit 1 10/17-10/23
    $2.99 scr #23 ThermaCare Back Patch 1 ct limit 1 10/17-10/23

♥ $10.68 paid - $1 +up earned - $20.95 scr earned = $11.27 profit ♥

wellness silver+ discount - after earning 500 points wellness+ cardholders receive 10% off. customer will receive the lower of the discount price or sale price. read more here
notes:the boiron chest and Oscillococcinum coupons beeped, as they always seem to. my cashier checked that i bought the correct items and pushed them through without any problem. but if you have problems using beeping coupons at your store, keep this in mind!

update 10/20: i forgot to mention that the adult saline i bought was 2 oz instead of the 1.5 oz advertised for the rebate. but it rings up as 1.5 oz and has been reported to clear for the scr.