rite aid
& rebates
rite aid works

february rite aid deals rite aid clearance

09/22 my trip today

cost: $.26

i bought:
    john frieda root awakening shampoo $5
    john frieda root awakening shampoo $5
    celestial seasonings tea 20 ct $1.99
    celestial seasonings tea 20 ct $1.99
    crest 6 oz $2.99
    betty crocker cake mix $2.06 ($2.99 - 10% discount)
    balloons 20 ct $2.42 ($2.69 - 10% discount)

used coupons:=$6.45 + $.81 tax

paid with:
    $5.50 +up
    and $1.76 oop
    $3 +up wyb 2 john frieda limit at least 4 per transaction, limit 6 total
    $1 +up celestial seasonings tea 20 ct, natrataste 120 ct, or sweet n' low 120 ct limit at least 4 per transaction, limit at least 4 total
    $1 +up celestial seasonings tea 20 ct, natrataste 120 ct, or sweet n' low 120 ct limit at least 4 per transaction, limit at least 4 total
    $2 +up crest / oral-b $2.99 get $2 +up limit 2 per transaction, limit 2 total

$7.26 paid - $7 +up earned = $.26

wellness silver+ discount - after earning 500 points wellness+ cardholders receive 10% off. customer will receive the lower of the discount price or sale price. read more here
notes:can you tell i was getting ready for my boyfriend's birthday? :)