rite aid
& rebates
rite aid works

march rite aid deals rite aid clearance

09/02 my trip today

profit: $2.16

i bought:
    gain dish liquid $.89
    gain dish liquid $.89
    gain dish liquid $.89
    gain dish liquid $.89
    gain dish liquid $.89
    pantene restoratives beautiful lengths $4
    garnier herbashine hair color $5.99
    garnier herbashine hair color $5.99
    garnier herbashine hair color $5.99

used coupons:=$3.42 + $1.42 tax

paid $4.84 ($2 +up + $2.84 oop)

    $2 +up pantene restoratives beautiful lengths limit at least 5 per transaction, limit at least 8 total
    $5 +up wyb $15 garnier fructis, nutrisse, herbashine, or nutritioniste limit at least 2 total

♥ $4.84 - $7 +up = $2.16 profit ♥

notes:only one pantene beautiful lengths was on the shelf. i was planning to get 2, but i got more gain instead to bring my total to $25.