rite aid
& rebates
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07/15 my trip today

profit: $.52

i bought:
    crest 3D White Vivid Toothpaste 5.8 oz $2.99
    CREST Extra White Plus Scope Outlast Toothpaste 4 oz $2.69
subtotal $5.68

used coupons:
    -$1 Crest Paste 4.0 oz. or larger (excludes Cavity, Baking Soda, Tartar Protection) 062710 rp buy coupon
    -$1 Crest Paste 4.0 oz. or larger (excludes Cavity, Baking Soda, Tartar Protection) 062710 rp buy coupon
=$3.68 + $.49 tax

paid with:
    $3 +up rewards
    $1.17 oop
will receive:
    $2 scr #133 crest 3D White Mouth Rinse 237 mL or 3D White Vivid Toothpaste (4 oz listed in online directory, 5.8 oz in weekly ad)
    $2.69 scr #128 CREST Extra White Plus Scope Outlast Toothpaste 4 oz

♥ $4.17 spent - $4.69 scr = $.52 profit ♥

notes:i used 2 different +up rewards without any problem today. (i had a different cashier than yesterday though.)

according to eric harkreader, rite aid public relations... "Valid +UP rewards should be thought of as gift cards and may be combined without limit to pay for a sales total so long as you also present the original wellness+ card that was used to earn the reward. If the sales total is less than the value of the +UP reward(s), then the total may be rounded down to prevent overage, which is never allowed."