rite aid
& rebates
rite aid works

february rite aid deals rite aid clearance

07/02 my trip today

profit: $5.71

i bought:
    john frieda root awakening shampoo $5
    john frieda root awakening conditioner $5
    john frieda root awakening conditioner (w/ free comb) $5
    john frieda root awakening detangling spray $5
subtotal $20

used coupons:
    -$5 off $20 video values 07/2010
    -$3 John Frieda Root Awakening products (excludes trial sizes and kits) 060610 ss buy coupon
    -$3 John Frieda Root Awakening products (excludes trial sizes and kits) 060610 ss buy coupon
    -$3 John Frieda Root Awakening products (excludes trial sizes and kits) 060610 ss buy coupon
    -$3 John Frieda Root Awakening products (excludes trial sizes and kits) 060610 ss buy coupon
=$3 + $1.29 tax

    $10 +UP reward wyb 4/$20 john frieda 6/27-7/03

$4.29 paid - $10 +up earned = $5.71 profit

notes:i tried to use a $3 +up from motrin, but the register wouldn't take it. i think its because i tried to use it yesterday and the register rejected it (my total was not high enough). it's been reported that once scanned, even if rejected, the +up rewards come up as already redeemed when scanned again.

no big loss, considering how many motrin +ups i got at no cost... but i hope they get this glitch fixed soon!