rite aid
& rebates
rite aid works

february rite aid deals rite aid clearance

06/26 my trip today

profit: $19.26

i bought:
    Motrin PM 20 ct $3
    purex fabric softener 100 oz $3
    finish quantumatic kit $5.49 (50% off sale)
subtotal $11.49

used coupons:=$1.49 + $.73 tax

    $3 +UP reward Motrin PM 20 ct 6/20-6/26

then i bought:
    Motrin PM 20 ct $3
    purex 3-in-one sheets $3
    purex 3-in-one sheets $3
subtotal $9

used coupons:
    -$3 Motrin PM any product (excludes trial size) 041810 rp buy coupon
=$6 + $.52 tax

paid with:
    $3 +up motrin
    $3 +up motrin
    $.52 oop

    $3 +UP reward Motrin PM 20 ct 6/20-6/26
    $1 +up reward purex 6/20-6/26

then i bought:
    Motrin PM 20 ct $3
subtotal $3

used coupons:
    -$3 Motrin PM any product (excludes trial size) 041810 rp buy coupon
    $3 +UP reward Motrin PM 20 ct 6/20-6/26

and i did 6 more transactions of motrin alone!

$8.74 paid ($2.74 cash + $6 +up rewards) - $28 +up earned = $19.26 profit

notes:i was hoping that since i bought one single purex in my transaction yesterday i would receive the $1 +up rewards when i bought the second today. no dice. others had reported that balances were tracked on duracell and huggies deals when purchased separately, so it may be possible that the reason they didn't print for me was because this type of purex wasn't programmed into the system for this deal. did anybody else out there try the deal buying the 100 oz fabric softener?

oh and i forgot my purex video values coupons at home, but i figured it was still worth getting them!

i did these transactions at 2 different stores and asked about ringing up the motrins separately beforhand. the zero balance totals on the motrin had to be approved by a manager. but it wasn't a problem at all - the cashiers and managers at both stores were very nice about it and said it was a good deal.

since today was the last day, i figured everyone had time to buy motrin so i didn't feel bad at all about taking so many!