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06/20 - 06/26 weekly deals

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♥ freebies ♥
    ♥ Colgate $2.99 get $2 +UP reward
    it has been reported that the Colgate with toothbrush attached does NOT generate +UP rewards
    Max White or 360 Toothbrush
    Max White or Max Fresh 6 oz
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    ♥ Motrin PM 20 ct $3 get $3 +UP reward

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    Clairol Nice N Easy $7.49 get $2 +up reward
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      -$3 scr #562 Nice 'n Easy hair color 6/17-6/30 - Exclusive offer valid only to the recipient of offer email
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    L'oreal Preference Hair Color $8.99 get $2 +up reward

    mucinex $19.99 get $5 +up reward

    nestle pure life water get $1 +up reward wyb 2/$8

    Pantene get $3 +up reward wyb 2/$7
    it has been reported that clearanced pantene does not generate +up rewards
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      -$1 off 2 Pantene products (excludes trial size) 061310 ss buy coupon

    Purex get $1 +up reward wyb 2/$6
    both purex sheets and liquid are part of this deal as of 6/21

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