rite aid
& rebates
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march rite aid deals rite aid clearance

03/13 my trip today

cost: $1.18

i bought:
    covergirl aquasmooth make-up $9.39
    covergirl aquasmooth make-up $0 (bogo sale)
    almay intense i-color $7.49
    almay intense i-color $0 (bogo sale)
    benevia heart heart health 4 pk $8.99
subtotal $25.87

used coupons:=$.48 + $1.02 tax

will receive
    $5 scr #7 wyb 2 almay cosmetics 2/28-3/27
$1.50 oop - $5 scr = $3.50 profit ♥
then i bought:
    covergirl aquasmooth make-up $9.39
    covergirl aquasmooth make-up $0 (bogo sale)
    covergirl aquasmooth make-up $9.39
    covergirl aquasmooth make-up $0 (bogo sale)
    starbucks coffee $9.49
subtotal $28.27

used coupons:
    -$5 off $20 rite aid video values 03/2010
    -$9.39 CoverGirl Face Product bogo P & G 2/7/10
    -$9.39 CoverGirl Face Product bogo P & G 2/7/10
    -$1 starbucks coffee (internet coupon no longer available)
=$3.49 + $1.19 tax

cost: $4.68
cost of both transactions combined: $1.18

notes:good thing i had my printed coupon policy with me today - it was a lifesaver! my cashier did not know that we are allowed to use 2 coupons on a bogo sale, a bogo coupon on a bogo sale, or combine a video values and a man. coupon on an item.

i must be the only couponer who shops at that store.