rite aid
& rebates
rite aid works

march rite aid deals rite aid clearance

march 2010 scr 02/28 - 03/27

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$ single check rebates $
    john frieda Frizz Ease get up to $6.99 (price of shampoo or conditioner) scr #4 wyb both a styler and shampoo (or conditioner)
      -$3 John Frieda Hair Care Shampoo or Conditioner SS 3/7/10
      -$2 John Frieda Hair Care Styler or Treatment SS 3/7/10

    KAO Brands get $5 SCR # 41 wyb $15 limit 3 rebates:
    ban antiperspirant/deodorant
    biore facial care
    curel moisturizer
    jergens natural glow or moisturizers
    john frieda hair care also qualifies towards scr #4
      -$3 John Frieda Hair Care Shampoo or Conditioner SS 3/7/10
      -$2 John Frieda Hair Care Styler or Treatment SS 3/7/10

    Similasan Stress & Tension Relief or Anxiety Relief .529 oz get $9.50 scr #26
      -$2 Similasan any product 01-24 SS

my sources:
Spending Impaired Momma