rite aid
& rebates
rite aid works

march rite aid deals rite aid clearance

11/14 my trip today

profit: $4.64

i bought:
    GE Reveal lightbulbs 4 pk $2
    GE Reveal lightbulbs 4 pk $2
    Oral-B CrossAction Manual Toothbrush $2.99
    herbal essences $4.59
    herbal essences $0 (bogo sale)
    herbal essences $4.59
    herbal essences $0 (bogo sale)
    herbal essences $4.59
    herbal essences $0 (bogo sale)
    herbal essences $4.59
    herbal essences $0 (bogo sale)
subtotal $25.35

used coupons:
    -$5 off $20 rite aid video values 10/2009
    -$1 GE Energy Smart, CFL, GE Reveal or GE Halogen Product SS 10/4/09
    -$1 GE Energy Smart, CFL, GE Reveal or GE Halogen Product SS 10/4/09
    -$.40 ge reveal bulbs 4 pk 40, 60, 75, or 100 watt video values 102009 (no longer available)
    -$1 Oral-B Pulsar, CrossAction, Advantage or any two Indicator Toothbrushes P&G 10/11/09
    -$4.59 Herbal Essence Styler FREE wyb Herbal Essences Shampoos, Conditioners, or Styler P&G 10/11/09
    -$4.59 Herbal Essence Styler FREE wyb Herbal Essences Shampoos, Conditioners, or Styler P&G 10/11/09
    -$4.59 Herbal Essence Styler FREE wyb Herbal Essences Shampoos, Conditioners, or Styler P&G 10/11/09
    -$4.59 Herbal Essence Styler FREE wyb Herbal Essences Shampoos, Conditioners, or Styler P&G 10/11/09
=$-1.41 + $1.76 tax

will receive:
    $2 scr #10 wyb 2 GE Reveal 4 Pk 10/25-11/28
    $2.99 scr #123 Oral-B CrossAction Manual Toothbrush Soft or Medium
$.35 oop - $4.99 scr = $4.64 profit ♥

notes:i hope the oral b scr clears. the rebate directory says "40 Soft or Medium" and i got "60" - but the weekly ad does not specify a number... will update when my receipt clears.

update 11/17: receipt cleared and no credit for the oral b toothbrush! sent an email to rite aid...

* rite aid's new corporate policy (updated 05/2009) is to accept Internet coupons with a value of $5 or less.