rite aid
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08/29 my trip today

profit: $24.22

i bought:
Zyrtec-d 12 hr 24 ct $18.99
pepsi 2 liter 1.49
bottle deposit $.05

subtotal $20.53

used coupons:
-$5 off $20 video values coupon
-$5 zyrtec in-ad coupon
-$4 Zyrtec, 24 ct + or SS 8/2/09
-$.75 pepsi 2 liter in-ad coupon


will receive:
$20 scr #97 $25 wyb $50 (or $5 wyb $25) Select Johnson & Johnson Brands (including zyrtec) 7/26-8/29
$10 rite aid certificate wyb $50 zyrtec zyrtec rewards program

$5.78 oop - $30 scr/rewards = $24.22 profit

i had already qualified for $5 on scr #97 with the 2 zyrtec purchases i made 8/23. with this 3rd purchase i should qualify for the $25 wyb $50 instead.

there is also the zyrtec rewards program - $10 rite aid certificate wyb $50 zyrtec. they have a disclaimer that states "$50 purchase requirement is determined before sales tax, is calculated less any coupon discounts." however, since the full $18.99 for each zyrtec i bought 8/23 counted towards the reward, i think i will make it to $50 with today's additional purchase...

update 8/31 - logged into my scr account and found that i did indeed qualify for $25 on scr #97 and $10 on zyrtec rewards (#600)!
* rite aid's new corporate policy (updated 5/2009) is to accept Internet coupons with a value of $5 or less.