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february rite aid deals rite aid clearance

12/28 - 01/03 weekly ad & deals

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♥ Covergirl bogo
-Cover Girl Face Product, FREE wyb Cover Girl Foundation (exp 12-31-08) P & G 11/30/08
=both free (YMMV in some stores)
(Make sure both products are the same price to do this the easy way)

-$1 Covergirl "Beauty the Rite Way" coupon, from Modella bag rebate (exp. 12/31/08)

Dawn dish detergent $.99
-$.50 Dawn, any size 12/14 P&G

♥ Pert Plus $3
-$2 Pert Plus, any except trial size 10/19 SS (exp. 12/31)
-$1.50 off pert shampoo "Beauty the Rite Way" coupon, from Modella bag rebate (exp. 12/31)

♥ Orajel Anti Septic Mouth Sore Rinse $5.99
-$5.99 january scr
-$1 Orajel Product, any 10/26 SS

Crest with Scope, or Crest Pro-Health, or Oral-B toothbrush $2.49
-$1 SCR
-$1 crest P&G 11/30

Axe shampoo or conditioner $4.99
-$4 SCR

Crest toothpaste 2pack or Oral-B Pulsar toothbrush $4.99
-$2.25 SCR
-.75¢ crest P&G 12/28

Crest Pro-Health rinse 1 liter $4.49
-$1.50 SCR
-$1 crest P&G 12/28

Tom's of Maine toothpaste, mouthwash and deoderant 2/$6
-$1 SCR
=2 for $5

revlon bogo
-$1 Revlon Color Cosmetic Product, any SS 10/12/08, SS 11/16/08, SS 12/7/08
-$2 Revlon Color Cosmetic Product, any SS 9/14/08

Almay Foundations and Powders $9.99
-$2 "Beauty the Rite Way" coupon, from Modella bag rebate (exp. 12/31)
-$1 Almay Cosmetic, any SS 12/14/08, SS 9/14/08, SS 10/12/08
-$4 SCR #84 (12/28 to 01/24)

RITE AID Bath Tissue 12 Pack or 6 Pack, Double Roll
Buy One, Get Second One at 50% Off Regular Retail
-$1 on 2 scr #71 (12/28 to 01/24)

RITE AID Ultra Big Roll Paper Towels Single Roll,
Buy One, Get Second One at 50% Off Regular Retail
-$1 on 2 scr #72 (12/28 to 01/24)

RITE AID Solara Disposable Razor 4 ct.
Buy One, Get Second One at 50% Off Regular Retail
-$3 on 2 Packs SCR #66 (12/28 to 01/24)

Serenity $10.99
-$4 off with in-ad coupon
-$5 SCR #26 12/28 to 01/24 LIMIT TWO

via slickdeals & hot coupon world

* rite aid's corporate policy is that they do not accept internet coupons. however, many rite aid's do accept internet coupons regardless of this policy. ymmv!