rite aid
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march rite aid deals rite aid clearance

11/24 - 11/26 "black friday" 2016

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colgate sensitive 4-6 oz or enamel health 4 oz toothpaste, optic platinum, total advanced, enamel health, or slim soft toothbrush 1 ct get 800 pts ($8) wyb 2/$8 limit 2
slim soft toothbrush Black Soft UPC 0 35000 68085 3 & 360 Degrees Total Advanced Floss-Tip Medium UPC 0 35000 68054 9 ringing up $3!
enamel health toothbrush ringing up reg psa $5.28, $4.23 gold

conair colorvibes brushes & scunci elastics 18 ct $3 get 300 pts ($3) limit 2
Conair Colorvibes Brush reg psa $3.19-$3.29, $2.55-$2.63 gold!

ge cfl 1 ct & halogen 2 ct light bulbs $4 get 400 pts ($4) limit 2

kleenex facial tissue white 85 ct $1 get 100 pts ($1) limit 2

philips earbuds $6 get 600 pts ($6) limit 2
reg psa $6.99, $5.59 gold!

rite aid tape 3/4" x 300" (select) get 200 pts ($2) wyb 2/$2 limit 2

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* all deals subject to change/regional differences *
always check your local ad!

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