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march deals 02/28-03/26

Absorbine Jr. Plus Pain Relieving Liquid Extra Strength 4 oz $9 get 900 pts ($9) limit 1 reg psa $10.79, $8.63 gold!

Anacin tablets 300 ct $13 get 1300 pts ($13) limit 1
reg psa $14.49-$14.99, $11.59-$11.99 gold!

Cura-Heat Heat Therapy Patches Value Pack 7 ct $5 get 500 pts ($5) limit 1

Doan's Extra Strength Caplets 24 ct $8 get 800 pts ($8) limit 1
reg psa $8.49, $6.79 gold!

MidNite Sleep aid 30 ct $9 get 900 pts ($9) limit 1
reg psa $10.99, $8.79 gold!

Rite Aid Cold & Hot Medicated Patch Large 5 ct $5 get 500 pts ($5) limit 1

similasan arnica active skin spray 3.04 oz $10 get 900 pts ($9) limit 1
reg psa $10.99, $8.79 gold!

Stopain Pain Roll-On 3 oz $10 get 900 pts ($9) limit 1
reg psa $11.49-$11.99, $9.19-$9.59 gold!

Vivarin Tablets 40 ct $9 get 900 pts ($9) limit 1
reg psa $9.49-$9.99, $7.59-$7.99 gold!

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only available at locations with catalina printers!

    Clorox (select) get $2 oyno wyb $8 03/23-04/03

    cottonelle bath tissue 12 pk+ get $2 oyno wyb 2 or $3 oyno wyb 3 03/20-04/17

    Huggies Diapers, Wipes, Pull-Ups Training Pants, & Goodnites Underwear Jumbo Packs or Larger get $5 oyno wyb $25 02/07-03/06
    available in NY & CA regions only?

    Huggies Diapers, Wipes, Pull-Ups Training Pants, & Goodnites Underwear Jumbo Packs or Larger get $5 oyno wyb $25 03/20-04/17

    shout , pledge , fantastik , scrubbing bubbles , & windex get $1 oyno wyb 2, $2 oyno wyb 3, or $3 oyno wyb 4 03/21-04/17
    excludes trial/travel

    V8 100% Vegetable Juice, V-Fusion, Veggie Blends, or V8+Energy bottles 46 oz+, 6 pks 5.5 oz+, or 4 pks get $1.50 oyno wyb 2 or $2 oyno wyb 3 03/21-04/17

    viva paper towels 6 pk+ get $3 oyno wyb 2 or $4 oyno wyb 3 03/20-04/17

    ziploc bags & containers get $2 oyno wyb 3 or $3 oyno wyb 4 02/22-03/20
    catalina reported not printing in some stores!

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additional sources used:
thanks and credit to KinaKouponer, am2save, & Susanna for photos!
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