rite aid
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rite aid works

march rite aid deals rite aid clearance

february deals 01/31-02/27

only available at locations with catalina printers!

    Campbell's Chunky, Condensed, Fresh-Brewed, Go, Healthy Request, Homestyle, Organic, Slow Kettle, or Soup on the Go soups, & Grill, Oven, Skillet, or Slow Cooker Sauces get $1 oyno wyb 3, $2 oyno wyb 5, or $3 oyno wyb 7 01/25-02/21

    Huggies Diapers, Wipes, Pull-Ups Training Pants, & Goodnites Underwear Jumbo Packs or Larger get $5 oyno wyb $25 02/07-03/06
      and get 500 pts ($5) wyb $15 huggies diapers 18-35 ct, pull-ups training pants 18-25 ct, or baby wipes limit 2 01/24-02/21
      and get 1000 pts ($10) wyb 2 huggies snug & dry diapers big packs 48-80 ct limit 2

    scrubbing bubbles get $2 oyno wyb 2 or $3 oyno wyb 3 01/25-02/21

    ziploc bags & containers get $2 oyno wyb 3 or $3 oyno wyb 4 02/22-03/20

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    new to plenti rewards? click here to learn the basics!

    big point event
    get 2000 pts ($20) wyb $100
    get an additional 1500 pts ($15) wyb $150
    get an additional 1500 pts ($15) wyb $200
    limit 5000 pts ($50) total

    Frontier Natural Aura Cacia Eucalyptus & Tea Tree Essential Oil .5 oz get 300 pts ($3)

    Frontier Natural Aura Cacia GERANIUM MINERAL BATH get 100 pts ($1) limit 2
    clearance psa $.82!

    Frontier Natural Aura Cacia Lavender Essential Oil .5 oz get 200 pts ($2)

    huggies diapers 18-35 ct, pull-ups training pants 18-25 ct, or baby wipes , johnson's , desitin , & rite aid tugaboos diapers bags get 500 pts ($5) wyb $15 limit 2 01/24-02/21
      and get $5 oyno wyb $25 Huggies Diapers, Wipes, Pull-Ups Training Pants, & Goodnites Underwear Jumbo Packs or Larger 02/07-03/06

    huggies snug & dry diapers big packs 48-80 ct get 1000 pts ($10) wyb 2 limit 2
      and get $5 oyno wyb $25 Huggies Diapers, Wipes, Pull-Ups Training Pants, & Goodnites Underwear Jumbo Packs or Larger 02/07-03/06

    lactaid , imodium , pepcid , & tucks get 300 pts ($3) wyb 2 limit 2 01/24-02/27

    l'oreal get 500 pts ($5) wyb $15 limit 2:
      advanced shampoo or conditioner 12.6 oz, & select stylers
      preference hair color

additional sources used:
thanks and credit to free4me, JHollyhock, & KinaKouponer for catalina photos!
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