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wellness+plenti loyalty program to debut 05/04/2015!

  • Rite Aid will roll its Wellness Plus program into Plenti may 4th, & issue new loyalty cards to current members.
    other participating retailers include Macy's, Exxon Mobil, AT&T, Nationwide, Direct Energy, Hulu, & chili's.
    plenti intends to add one "big player" business from each retail category (food, auto, travel, etc.)

  • rite aid customers will earn Plenti points instead the current +UP rewards on certain promoted products.
    100 points = $1 savings on a future order

  • points earned at participating retailers can be used as savings toward future purchases at other participating retailers, including Rite Aid, Exxon, Macy's, Mobil, & AT&T.
    american express, & nationwide are earn-only partners as of launch.

  • points may be redeemed at rite aid starting 6 am the day after they are earned.

  • rite aid customers will be prompted at the pin-pad with the option to use points if they have the minimum of 200 points required to redeem and a $2 or more balance.
    if the customer selects "use plenti points" the maximum amount of savings available will be displayed. the customer may then select this amount or a different amount, and confirm with a pin selected at sign-up. the receipt will display remaining plenti points balance.

    some items, such as prescription drugs, are excluded from discounts.

  • You can use any number of points, and if you have enough points available you can pay your full balance including tax.
    for example, if you have subtotal of $2.99 and with tax your total is $3.79, you could use 379 points and have no out of pocket cost.

  • You can purchase items with points, and earn points on the same transaction.

  • points are good for at least two years
    On december 31st of each year, any points older than two years will expire.

  • points can also be earned and used shopping at riteaid.com

  • rite aid customers will continue to earn Wellness Plus points towards gold/silver/bronze status

  • American Express also will be rolling out a Plenti-branded credit card that will let users earn a point for each dollar charged

  • promotional offers, which the participating retailers plan to roll out from time to time, will be additional opportunities to earn points

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