rite aid
& rebates
rite aid works

march rite aid deals rite aid clearance

march deals 03/02 - 03/29

only available at locations with catalina printers!

+up rewards

    air wick get $3 +up wyb $10 limit 2
      scented oil refill .67 oz ($4.29)
      ultra refill 6.17 oz ($6.29)

    allergy get $10 +up wyb $30 (limit 2?):

    aveeno get $5 +up wyb $20 limit 2 03/02-03/29:
      Body Wash 12 oz or Facial Cleansers
      Hand and Body Lotion 12 oz
      Men's and Shave or Select Baby

    baby get $3 +up wyb $12 limit 2:
      huggies diapers, pull-ups, goodnites jumbo pks, or goodnites bed mat 9 ct
      johnson & johnson baby care (reg $3.49-$4.69)

    banana boat Sun Care get $1 +up wyb 2 03/02-03/29
    excludes Twin and Value Packs

    band-aid / neosporin / benadryl / aveeno get $3 +up wyb 3 limit 2 03/02-03/29:
      Aveeno Lotion 4 oz or Cream 1 oz
      band-aid Plastic, Sheer, Children's, Clear, Dryfit, Flexible Fabric, Tough Strips, Sport, Active, Antibacterial or Waterproof Bandages 10-80 ct (excludes Tough Strips 60 ct)
      band-aid Hurt-Free Wash 6 oz
      Benadryl Spray 2 oz, Cream 1 oz, Gel 4 oz
      Neosporin .5 oz or Spray
        -free first aid bag wyb 3 first aid items (look for coupon on first aid bags on end cap display)
        -$5 off 3 first aid coupon from previously purchased first aid bag

    brother P-Touch Tape 1/2″ Black Print on White Tape M231 OR Black Print on Silver Tape M-931 get $10 +up limit 2
    psa $11.99 ($9.59 gold!)

    dove / degree / axe get $2 +up wyb 2 limit 2 03/02-03/29:
      axe Deodorant, Body Spray, Body Wash, Hair Care, or Men’s Grooming
      Dove or Degree for Men Deodorant, Body Wash 13.5 oz, Detailer Tool, Bar Soap 6 Pack, Hair Care, or Facial Skin Care

    Herr's Potato Chips 10-11 oz 2/$6 get $2 +up each limit 2
      -$.35 peelies at some stores

    HP ink ($31.99) get $20 +up Limit 2

    lysol get $10 +up wyb $30 limit 2

    nabisco / kraft get $4 +Up wyb $12 limit 2:

    nivea get $10 +up wyb $20 limit 2 03/02-03/29
      creme tin 400 ml
      hand and body lotion 13.5 oz
      Men's Face Care
      Shave Gels and Foam

    Powerade 32 oz $.99 get $4 +up wyb $12 limit 2

    schick get $5 +up wyb $20 limit 2 :

    simple cleansing wipes ($6.99) get $3 +up wyb 2 limit 2

    Simplify trail mix 8 pk ($2.79) get $2 +up wyb 2 Limit 2

    vaseline spray 6.5 oz ($7.99) get $2 +up limit 3

    ziploc get $3 +up wyb $10 limit 2

additional sources used:
ValerieMonica Diaztreesajessicagr01Christi Hughes
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