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$3 & $5 off any purchase load2card coupons

these coupons were emailed to select customers. they may or may not work for you if you didn't receive them from rite aid...
valid for 14 days from date of activation. Purchase must be on eligible product excluding sales tax. Not valid on prescriptions, alcohol, tobacco, lottery tickets, money orders, prepaid/gift cards, newspapers, stamps, other mailing services, online purchases, licenses, or any items excluded by law.

update: the links are no longer working as i type this, but they have been working on and off today so you may want to try them again later...

  • Load2Card is a new coupon management program starting 01/01/2012 that will allow wellness+ members to save, manage, and redeem Rite Aid and manufacturer coupons available throughout the internet via their wellness+ card.

  • each week, members will have the opportunity to load an average of more than $100 in savings directly to their wellness+ card. The coupon savings will automatically be deducted from applicable purchases when customers scan their wellness+ card at checkout. (Paper coupons will still be accepted.)

  • To enable the direct-to-card savings, on or after Jan. 1, 2012, members need to activate and log in to their online wellness+ account on www.riteaid.com.
