bts / harvard square Pencils #2 10 pk ($.99) get $2 +up wyb 2
warning: +ups seemed to have stopped printing for this deal on 01/04 @ about 4 pmbts / harvard square Pink Erasers 2 pk ($.99) get $2 +up wyb 2
warning: +ups seemed to have stopped printing for this deal on 01/04 @ about 4 pmbts / harvard square wooden ruler 12" ($.99) get $2 +up wyb 2
warning: +ups seemed to have stopped printing for this deal on 01/04 @ about 4 pm
warning: +ups seemed to have stopped printing for this deal on 01/04 @ about 4 pm
some stores have tags stating get $2 +up wyb 1, but they are misprinted - you need to buy 2 items for each $2 +up!
- eraser caps 15 pk ($1.49)
multipoint pencil 10 pk ($3.49)
♥ Pencils #2 10 pk ($.99)
pencils #2 20 ct ($1.79)
♥ Pink Erasers 2 pk ($.99)
♥ wooden ruler 12" ($.99)
warning: +ups seemed to have stopped printing for this deal on 01/04 @ about 4 pm
some stores have tags stating get $2 +up wyb 1, but they are misprinted - you need to buy 2 items for each $2 +up!
- 12 pocket expandable file ($8.29)
binder clips 12 ct ($1.99)
brass thumbtacks ($1.99)
fasteners 100 ct ($1.99)
garage sale labels ($2.29,$2.49)
labels ($2.49)
paper clips 50 ct ($1.99)
pushpins ($1.99)
reuseable envelope side load ($1.99)
side load envelope coupon size ($1.99)
thumbtacks 40 ct ($1.29)
Pilot get $4 +up wyb 2:
- ez touch pens 1-2 pk ($2.29)
G2 gel pen ($3.29)
gold marker ($2.99)
my source: