rite aid
& rebates
rite aid works

february rite aid deals rite aid clearance

11/24 my trip today

cost: $7.93

i bought:
    planters deluxe whole cashews 9.75 oz $3.99
    planters deluxe whole cashews 9.75 oz $3.99
    planters deluxe whole cashews 9.75 oz $3.99
    planters deluxe whole cashews 9.75 oz $3.99
    dunkin' donuts coffee 11 oz $5.99
    dunkin' donuts coffee 12 oz $5.99
    vicks nyquil sinex 20 ct $4.99

coupons used:
    -$5 off $25, exp 123110 myriteaid.com coupon (removed 10/08)
    -$1 off 2 Planters Products, 5-21.25 oz (exp 12/31/2010) 11/14/2010 SS buy coupon
    -$1 off 2 Planters Products, 5-21.25 oz (exp 12/31/2010) 11/14/2010 SS buy coupon
    -$2 off 2 Dunkin Donuts Coffee (exp 12/31/2010) 10/31/2010 RP buy coupon
    -$4 Vicks Sinex Product 10/31/2010 P&G

paid with:
    $13 +ups
    $6.93 oop
    $2 +up planters cashew halves 16 oz, mixed nuts 17 oz, nut-rition mix, almonds or deluxe mixed nuts 9.25-10.25 oz
    $2 +up planters cashew halves 16 oz, mixed nuts 17 oz, nut-rition mix, almonds or deluxe mixed nuts 9.25-10.25 oz
    $2 +up planters cashew halves 16 oz, mixed nuts 17 oz, nut-rition mix, almonds or deluxe mixed nuts 9.25-10.25 oz
    $2 +up planters cashew halves 16 oz, mixed nuts 17 oz, nut-rition mix, almonds or deluxe mixed nuts 9.25-10.25 oz
    $1 +up nescafe taster's choice 7 oz or dunkin' donuts coffee 11-12 oz
    $1 +up nescafe taster's choice 7 oz or dunkin' donuts coffee 11-12 oz
    $2 +up vicks nyquil or dayquil 10 or 20 oz, or children's 6 oz

$19.93 paid - $12 +up earned = $7.93

notes:the vicks sinex is not listed as part of the deal in the ad, but my store had tags up for it and it did work!