rite aid
& rebates
rite aid works

february rite aid deals rite aid clearance

10/04 my trip today

cost: $.33

i bought:=$19.72

used coupons:=$9.97 + $.32 tax

paid with:
    $10 +up
    and $.29 oop
    $2 +up cottonelle bath tissue 12 pk or moist wipes refill 140 ct , or viva paper towels 8 pk
    $1.99 +up nivea lip care carded and loose sticks .17-.35 oz
    $1.99 +up nivea lip care carded and loose sticks .17-.35 oz
    $1.99 +up nivea lip care carded and loose sticks .17-.35 oz
    $1.99 +up nivea lip care carded and loose sticks .17-.35 oz

$10.29 paid - $9.96 +up earned = $.33

wellness silver+ discount - after earning 500 points wellness+ cardholders receive 10% off. customer will receive the lower of the discount price or sale price. read more here
notes:i was thrown off because i planned this transaction with nivea ringing up $2.99 each. but $2.99 is actually the regular price on these, so i received the 10% discount on them! for this reason my total wasn't quite $20 before tax. (if i had realized this i would have added something to my order, probably the free after +up crest) the $4 off $20 still went through, but the cashier could have denied it.

luckily my $10 +up reward also went though, even though my total after coupons was only $9.97 before tax was applied!

anyway, we needed paper towels and milk and this was an amazingly cheap way to get them!