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february rite aid deals rite aid clearance

09/26 - 10/02 weekly deals

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♥ freebies ♥
    ♥ crest / oral-b $2.99 get $2 +up limit 2 per transaction, limit 2 total:
      crest toothpaste 4.1, 5.8-6, or 8 oz or 3d white 4 oz (excludes clinical)
        -$1 Crest Toothpaste P&G What Matters Most Mailer (exp 11/30/2010)
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        -$1 Oral-B Pro Health For Me Floss Picks (exp 10/31/2010) 9/26/2010 P&G
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        -B1G1 Oral-B Manual Toothbrush (exp 9/30/2010) 8/15/2010 RP buy coupon
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      old spice everclear or fresh collection 2.6 oz, or fresh collection body spray 4 oz
        -B1G1 Old Spice Body Spray WYB Fresh Collection (exp 10/31/2010) 9/26/2010 P&G
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        -$1 Old Spice Deodorant P&G What Matters Most Mailer (exp 11/30/2010)
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        -B1G1 Old Spice Fresh Collection Solid P&G MIR Savings Booklet (exp 1/31/2011)
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        -B1G1 Old Spice Body Spray P&G MIR Savings Booklet (exp 1/31/2011)
      secret flawless, sheer mineral, scent expressions or smooth effects 2.6-2.7 oz, or body spray 3 oz
        -$.50 Secret Deodorant (exp 10/31/2010) 9/26/2010 P&G
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    alli weight loss aid starter kit 90 ct or refill 120 ct get $10 +up

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      chase & sanborn instant coffee 7 oz
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    dove or caress bath bars 8 pk, or dove body wash 24 oz $7.99 get $1 +up

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      coppertop aa or aaa 10 pk, c or d 4 pk, 9 volt 2 pk
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      -$1 off 15 Purina Friskies Brand Canned Cat Food
      -$1 Friskies Fifteen (15) 5.5 cans or Two (2) 12 ct or One (1) 24 ct or multi or variety packs canned cat food, (Offer not valid on Purina Friskies Selects Indoor)~$1.00/1~12-31-10 (exp 12/31/2010) 9/12/2010 RP buy coupon
      -$1 Friskies Fifteen (15) 5.5 cans OR two (2) 12 ct OR one (1) 24 ct and 32 ct multi or variety packs canned cat food~$1.00/1~10-31-10 (exp 10/31/2010) 7/18/2010 SS buy coupon

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      dm or 600 my 40 ct, max or max dm 28 ct, max d 24 ct, or d 36 ct
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        -$1.50 Mucinex Product Video Values 09/2010

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    nexxus (reg $5.99-$29.99) bogo 50% off get $1 +up wyb $5, get $3 +up wyb $10, or get $7 +up wyb $20
    advertised in rite aid email

    omron deluxe automatic blood pressure monitor w/ comfitt cuff $69.99 get $10 +up

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        -$1 CoverGirl Product P&G What Matters Most Mailer (exp 11/30/2010)
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a full cup