rite aid
& rebates
rite aid works

february rite aid deals rite aid clearance

09/20 my trip today

cost: $1.54

i bought:
    john frieda root awakening shampoo $5
    john frieda root awakening conditioner $5
    u by kotex pads 16 ct $3.50
    u by kotex pads 16 ct $3.50
    u by kotex pads 18 ct $3.50
    u by kotex tampons 18 ct $3.50
    hungry jack pancake mix 32 oz $1.99

used coupons:=$9.99 + $1.55 tax

paid with:
    $9.50 +up
    and $2.04 oop
    $3 +up wyb 2 john frieda limit at least 4 per transaction, limit 6 total
    $3 +up wyb 2 kotex / u by kotex pads 14-24 ct, liners 42-64 ct, and tampons 18 ct
    $3 +up wyb 2 kotex / u by kotex pads 14-24 ct, liners 42-64 ct, and tampons 18 ct
    $1 +up hungry jack syrup 27.6 oz or pancake mix 32 oz , quaker oats 18 oz , or smucker's squeeze jam 20 oz limit ? per transaction, limit at least 3 total

$11.54 paid - $10 +up earned = $1.54

notes:the kotex i bought today gives me $14 towards the $25 needed for the kimberly clark / clorox $10 rite aid gc scr #70. i'm hoping to complete that rebate by buying another set of kotex and 2 cottonelle wipes on my next trip!