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february rite aid deals rite aid clearance

video values 09/2010

rite aid video values
september's printable coupons are available from rite aid video values!
all of september's coupons expire 102310.

videos should be available to watch until 092510, coupons you have earned should be available to print (once only) until they expire on 102310.

    $4 off $20 - when you earn 20 video credits 8/29-9/25

    $5 off $25 - when you watch the Rx Services video

    $5 OFF $25 - When You Watch the wellness+ Video

    AirWick Imotion Scented Oil, Freshmatic kit, or NeutraAir Freshmatic Kits $1 off

    Aquafresh iso-active Toothpaste 4.3 oz $1.50 off

    aquaphor baby products $2 off

    As Seen on TV Bark Off Ultrasonic Training Aid $1 off

    As Seen on TV Big Top Cupcake Silicone Bakewear $2 off

    As Seen on TV Crazy Critters Stuffing-Free Fox or Raccoon Dog Toy $1 off

    As Seen on TV Emery Cat Board $2 off

    As Seen on TV HD Vision Ultra Sunglasses $1 off

    As Seen on TV HeelTastic $1 off

    As Seen on TV Kangaroo Keeper $1 off

    As Seen on TV Neckline Slimmer $2 off

    As Seen on TV Slap Chop $2 off

    As Seen on TV Sure Clip Nail Clipper $1 off

    As Seen on TV UGlu Super Adhesive Tape $1 off

    As Seen on TV Vita Grass for Cats & Dogs $1 off

    As Seen on TV Water Jet Power Washer $2 off

    As Seen on TV Wonder Hanger $1 off

    As Seen on TV Yoshi Blade Ceramic Knife $1 off

    Avent Baby Bottles 9 or 11 oz or 4 oz 2 ct $3 off

    Banana Boat Sun Care $3 Off

    Benefiber, ex-lax, or GasX $1 off

    Boudreaux's Butt Paste 4 oz, or Zilactin Gel or Toothache Swabs 8 ct $3 off

    Children's Advil Product $1 off

    Dove Chocolates 2 oz or larger $1 off 2

    Efferdent Denture Cleanser Tablets 120 ct or Plus Mint 108 ct $1.50 off

    FlavoRx Flavoring for Children's Liquid Medications from the Pharmacy FREE (Value $2.99)

    Garnier Fructis Shampoo, Conditioner, or Styler (excludes Trial Sizes) $1 off

    Garnier Hair Color $2 off

    Garnier Nutritioniste Skin Care $2 off

    Gatorade 20 oz 4 pk $.50 off

    General Mills "Big G" Cereals $1 off 2

    Green Dot Prepaid Visa or Mastercard Activation Fee (excludes NASCAR Visa) $2 off

    Hershey's Bliss 8.6-9.6 oz pkg $1 off

    Hershey's select Candy Bars; includes Reese's Peanut Butter Cup, Kit Kat, Hershey's Milk Chocolate, or with Almonds Chocolate Bar $.25 off 2

    Hibistat Antiseptic Wipes 15 ct $1 off

    Hormel Chili $1 off 2

    Hormel Compleats $1 off 2

    Huggies Diapers, Pull-Ups or Goodnites, Jumbo Pack $1 off

    Johnson's Baby Care 14-15 oz or Desitin Product $1 off

    Kellogg's Raisin Bran, Frosted Flakes or Froot Loops Cereal, or FiberPlus Chewy Bars $1 off 2

    Kleenex Facial Tissue Anti-Viral 75 ct, Ultra White 85 ct, Assorted 100 or 184 ct, or White 200 ct $1 off 3

    Kleenex Viva Paper Towels 8 pk Regular Rolls $1 off

    Libby's Tropical Canned Fruit with Splenda $.30 off

    Listerine Mouthwash 500 mL or Listerine PocketPak 72 ct $1 off

    L'Oreal Double Extend Lash Boosting Mascara, Serum, or Kit $3 off

    Lysol Disinfecting Spray 6 oz $1 off

    Lysol Hand Soap Kit $1 off

    Maybelline Cosmetics $2 off

    Mott's Juice 64 oz $.75 off

    Mucinex Product $1.50 off

    Nabisco Brand Cookies or Snacks, Single Serve or Peg Bag or Maxwell House Coffee, 34.5 oz or Yuban Coffee, 33 oz $1 off 2

    Natural Dentist Mouth Rinse Peppermint Twist or Anti-Gingivitis 16.9 oz $2 off

    Nature Valley or Fiber One Cereal Bars Multi pks $.50 off

    Nicorette Lozenges 72 ct or Mini Lozenges 81 ct $7 off

    OXY Clinical $1 off

    Pepsi 20 oz (any) bogo

    Photobook bogo Order online, pick-up in store (Retail value $24.99) Use Promotion Code AUGBOOK bogo
    While supplies last

    Pilot FriXion Pens 2 pk or Highliters 3 pk $1 off

    Playtex Baby Bottles, Cups or Accessories $1 off

    Polident Denture Cleanser 78 or 84 ct Tablets $1.50 off

    Powerade 32 oz Buy 3 Get 1 Free

    Reach Total Care Toothbrush $1 off

    Rite Aid Baby Wipes 64-72 ct $1 off

    Rite Aid tugaboos Infant Formula Powder 23.2-25.75 oz $2 off

    Sanford Sharpie pens, markers, or highlighters $2 off $6

    Scunci Expandable Ponytailer or Clip $.50 off

    Sensodyne Toothpaste $1.50 off

    Similac Infant Formula Powder 23.2 oz or PediaSure 8 oz 6 pk $1 off

    SmartMouth Mouthwash 16 oz $2 off

    Spam or Spam Lite 12 oz $1 off 2

    ThermaCare 8-Hour Patches $1 off

    Trident Gum 18 Piece Pk $.50 off

    Uncle Ben's Ready Rice 8.8 oz Pouch $.30 off

    Wrigley's Orbit Gum 14 Piece $.50 off

    York Peppermint Pattie, Peter Paul Mounds, or Almond Joy, singles $.50 off 2

my sources:
rite aid video values
Eric Harkreader - rite aid Public Relations