rite aid
& rebates
rite aid works

march rite aid deals rite aid clearance

06/04 my trip today

profit: $6.39

i bought:
    style science polarvision sunglasses $12.99
    nivea for men energizing face scrub 4.4 oz $3.49
    nivea for men energizing face scrub 4.4 oz $3.49
    nivea for men energizing face scrub 4.4 oz $3.49
    nivea for men double action face wash 5 oz $3.49
    nivea for men double action face wash 5 oz $3.49
    physicians formula eye definer $5.50
subtotal $35.94

used coupons:
    -$5 off $20 video values 06/2010
    -$10 stylescience polarvision or eagle eyes sunglasses video values 05/2010 (no longer available)
    -$2 Nivea Face Care Product or Two (2) Shave Gels (0.5 oz - 7 oz) Not good on trial sizes or Nivea for Men Shaving Lotion cartridges 042510 rp buy coupon
    -$2 Nivea Face Care Product or Two (2) Shave Gels (0.5 oz - 7 oz) Not good on trial sizes or Nivea for Men Shaving Lotion cartridges 042510 rp buy coupon
    -$2 Nivea Face Care Product or Two (2) Shave Gels (0.5 oz - 7 oz) Not good on trial sizes or Nivea for Men Shaving Lotion cartridges 042510 rp buy coupon
    -$2 Nivea Face Care Product or Two (2) Shave Gels (0.5 oz - 7 oz) Not good on trial sizes or Nivea for Men Shaving Lotion cartridges 042510 rp buy coupon
    -$2 Nivea Face Care Product or Two (2) Shave Gels (0.5 oz - 7 oz) Not good on trial sizes or Nivea for Men Shaving Lotion cartridges 042510 rp buy coupon
    -$5 Physicians Formula Cosmetics, exp 062610
=$5.94 + $2.67 tax

will receive:
    $10 scr #84 wyb 2 style science or foster grant sunglasses 5/30-6/26 - bought first pair on 5/31
    $5 scr #15 wyb $15 nivea for men 5/30-6/5

♥ $8.61 oop - $15 scr = $6.39 profit ♥

notes:the nivea should also give me $17.45 of $25 needed for the skin & sun care scr #555/655 05/30-07/24. so as long as i buy $7.55 more worth of skincare by 7/24 (and use my wellness card) i will get back a $15 rite aid gift card!