L'Oreal Advanced Revitalift Anti-Wrinkle Concentrate, 1 oz.+ $ 14.99 Buy One
- $ 14.99 SCR
- $ 3.00 MQ L'Oreal Advanced Revitalift Anti Wrinkle Concentrate or .... 7.20.08 SS (or -$1 L'oreal Advanced RevitaLift Moisturizer or Age Perfect Pro-Calcium Moisturizer, any V 8/3/08)
= $ 3.00 profit
this item may also count towards Rebate #24...
Purchase $25.00:
Hair Color, Shampoo, Conditioner, Stylers, Color Cosmetics or Skincare and receive back by mail a FREE Modella Cosmetic Bag ($25.00 value) with over $25.00 in Rite Aid Exclusive Manufacturer's Coupons.
Excludes: Rite Aid Brand, Therapeutic, Baby and Professional Salon Brands.
Cosmetic Bag mailed separately from rebate check.
While supplies last.
♥ Rebate #2
- Plus Scope or Multicare, 6.2 oz.
- Pro Health 4.2 oz.
+ $ 2.49 buy one
- $ 1.74 SCR
- $ 0.75 MQ P&G 8/31
♥ Rebate #86
Oral B Toothbrushes
Advantage, Artica or Stages
(excludes battery operated)
+ $2.99 Buy One
- $2 SCR
- $1 Oral B Pulsar, CrossAction, Advantage Toothbrush $1/1 or two Indicator Toothbrushes (exp 8/31) 08/3 pg
=.01 profit
♥ Rebate #31
Pantene Expressions Shampoo or Conditioner
From their own RA circular for 8/31 (Page 6):
+ $9.98 Buy shampoo and conditioner
- $1.99 SCR
- $2.00 MQ in most Sunday Papers P&G 8/31/08
- $2.00 MQ in most Sunday Papers P&G 8/31/08
- $1.00 RA in-ad coupon
- $1.00 RA in-ad coupon
= $1.99
and use
Pantene Styling Product or Treatment FREE wyb Pantene Shampoo and Conditioner, no trial P&G 8/31/08
for a free styling product
all 3 will count towards
Rebate #75 - Buy $30.00 of participating P&G products, get $10.00 RA gift card
and should also count towards
Rebate #24 - Purchase $25.00: Hair Color, Shampoo, Conditioner, Stylers, Color Cosmetics or Skincare and receive back by mail a FREE Modella Cosmetic Bag ($25.00 value) with over $25.00 in Rite Aid Exclusive Manufacturer's Coupons.
♥ Rebate #101
Valid from 08/31/08 to 09/27/08
$2.00 Rebate
Purchase One (1):
• Automatic Dishwasher Detergent, Powder or Gel, 75 oz.
• Powerball Tabs or Gel Caps, 20 ct.
+$3.99 electrasol sale price this week
-$2.25 Electrasol Powerball Tabs or Gelpacs , any 9/7/08 ss (get your sunday coupons early)
-$2 scr #101
=$.26 profit
Rebate #72
Anti Monkey Butt Powder 6 oz.
+ $ 3.99 Buy One
- $ 3.00 SCR
= $ 0.99 cost
- Mark-It Markers, 1 or 2 ct
- Reaction Pen, 2 ct
sale: 3 for $.99
+ $.99 buy 3
-$1 Any 2 Bic Stationery Products* (or 08-03-08 SS)
= free plus 1 cent overage
+ $1.32 Buy 4
-$1 Any 2 Bic Stationery Products* (or 08-03-08 SS)
-$1 Any 2 Bic Stationery Products* (or 08-03-08 SS)
= free plus $0.66 overage
Papermate 2 for $1
-$1/1 Papermate RA school coupon (available in some rite aid stores)
Composition Books 3 for $1
-$1.50 RA school coupon (available in some rite aid stores)
* RA corporate policy is not to accept printables. however, some rite aid locations do accept them.
via slickdeals and hot coupon world